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Silowan Photography


High School Portraiture

Services and Pricing

When you come in for your High School Senior portraits, you will receive an unparalleled level of attention and care.

You will be with Peter for an hour to an hour and a half. Girls will have their make up done. The make up artist will discuss your make up with you and will do your eyes for you but we realize that eye make up is a very personal thing so if you prefer to do your own mascara and eye liner you may. When your make is finished you will have flawless skin. (Guys — don't worry. No make up for you unless you have a black eye.)

Girls will be photographed in four to seven changes of clothing (depending on how many outfits are brought), beginning with indoor head and shoulders portraits and three-quarter length poses on a range of backgrounds. If you've brought your prom dress along, you'll be photographed on a high fashion background. Then we'll go outside and photograph as many outfits as we have time for depending on time constraints and the clothing you've brought with you.

With the boys we'll start inside with a sport coat and tie (if that's what your parents want) and then proceed to what we like to call elegantly casual. We'll take some photographs indoors and some outdoors, and then go real casual outdoors.

By the time we've finished photographing you, you will have a great, varied selection of images to choose from for your family and friends.

Most portraiture packages includes a leatherette bi-fold folio with eight 4x5 finished portraits. All enlargements are completely retouched and color corrected. Of course any blemishes will be removed.

Because much of what is available with digital photography all sorts of subtle nip and tuck is available. So — if there is something you aren't happy with, there is a good chance it can be altered. Please don't be afraid to discuss your concerns.

Packages start at $299.99